“This body of work is inspired by my collection of vintage dress patterns, the festive illustrations on the covers, the directions, lines and graphics on the tissue thin paper, and a quote by my Great Grandfather; “among my mother’s little circle of friends a single mourning dress was shared, given to the most recently bereaved. This is one of the most pathetic aspects of The Reconstruction.....””
The Idea
Starting with a pencil drawing on paper or canvas I cut, tear, layer, arrange, and paste the tissue thin sewing instructions to construct my image.
The various lines and words printed on the pattern paper inspire their placement. For example I may put “shorten hem here” along the bottom of a skirt or place “seam allowance” where I drew a line for a skirt pleat. As I layer the aged paper it creates shading giving the artwork a sense of volume and movement.
To finish I paint the background. Sometimes I draw embroidery designs for embellishment or as if my images were standing in front of wallpaper.
Original & Handmade
This body of work is inspired by my love of paper and drawing. By means of collage and using vintage dress pattern paper, I illustrate girls and ladies frocks, men's wear, lingerie, stuffed animals and fashion accessories. These festive collages are one-of-a-kind originals, a concept of my own creative expression since 1999.